. . . 428 pages of mystery, adventure, and romance at a thrilling roller-coaster ride pace.

Set against the backdrop of territorial days in New Mexico, a Gibson Girl heroine and an unforgettable cast of characters sift through clues on two continents in their search for truth, justice, and love.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Historical Fiction is alive and well . . . .

One of the greatest pleasures I experience at book signings is discovering how many people love to read historical fiction. Another is the lively discussions these readers engage me in -- they often inadvertently add to my research with wonderful details and occurrences. To say we have a great time is putting it mildly!

I am also quite impressed with the number of twenty-somethings who also have a passion for historical fiction. Perhaps because we are a university town there are more readers of this type, but it is still heartening to find so many of them. Especially when they linger a while and open discussion on a particular topic.

My husband and I used to think that the great number of history buffs we have encountered was more peculiar to our living in the Southwest, but I have found that many of the newcomers from both coasts, the Midwest, and the north are just as fond of reading historical fiction as those of us from New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.

And nothing makes the heart sing more than hearing someone say: "I like your writing style . . . ."

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