. . . 428 pages of mystery, adventure, and romance at a thrilling roller-coaster ride pace.

Set against the backdrop of territorial days in New Mexico, a Gibson Girl heroine and an unforgettable cast of characters sift through clues on two continents in their search for truth, justice, and love.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A dose of high country research . . . .

We traveled 818 miles this weekend and had the opportunity to visit with many dear friends.  Last week we experienced three days with temperatures in the mid-90s here in southern New Mexico.  This past weekend up in northern New Mexico we wore sweaters and jackets and even experienced a full night of rainfall.  Rain?  We had almost forgotten what that form of precipitation was like as we have had less than a half-inch of rain since January 1st here in Las Cruces.

Saturday afternoon one of our friends told me something that would gladden any author's heart.  She was traveling through the Phoenix airport one weekend and while waiting for her flight took a seat in the passenger area.  Across the aisle a young woman was reading Tierra Red.  This occurrence not only put a grin on my friend's face but made my heart sing!

Yes, we were in Tierra Red country over the weekend.  Did some rather important research up in the mountains at about 8,000 feet in elevation.  We drove through a ranch with open cattle grazing which meant the cows and their calves were meandering across the road in search of greener grass.  The sky was overcast, the air was chilly, and the wind was rustling through the pine trees -- it could have been a day in 1900 or a day in 2011 during which the sequel takes place.

And, yes, the sequel is progressing nicely . . . .

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