. . . 428 pages of mystery, adventure, and romance at a thrilling roller-coaster ride pace.

Set against the backdrop of territorial days in New Mexico, a Gibson Girl heroine and an unforgettable cast of characters sift through clues on two continents in their search for truth, justice, and love.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid et al . . . .

Ah, one of my favorite old movies -- who could forget the rascally Paul Newman and Robert Redford playing those roles with such panache? Imagine how much fun I had yesterday when this news article appeared online.

There I was in the middle of doing some heavy research for the exact time period that those infamous outlaws roamed the West. Not that the pair ever made their way to the part of New Mexico that was involved in my research, but it was a great reminder of the sweeping changes that were occurring at that time.

Another fascinating article popped up, this one written by Delbert Trew for an Amarillo, Texas newspaper. He offered more than a few thoughts about living in the Old West, many of which rang so true for the setting of TIERRA RED.

In quoting Louis L'Amour, he wrote: "When a man or woman came West, their past became an unknown and their present became an open book. They soon became known by their actions or lack of. No one cared who your father was or what you had done. The only things that mattered were that you were honest, had courage, and that you did your job."

Hmm, sounds a bit like some of the characters in TIERRA RED, doesn't it?

Rancher Trew also wrote: "To bring the Old West into true focus, not many realize that Santa Fe, New Mexico was ten years old when people landed at Plymouth Rock. While the new folks back East were trying to clear timber, plant crops and win their independence, the Old West was being explored, being stocked with horses and cattle, learning to cope with little water, vast prairies, and the fact that no one cared if they were independent or not."

You can read the rest of Trew's article here

Doing research is not all work -- it can be a lot of fun!

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