Tierra Red is on its way to the 2007 Hillerman Mystery Competition.
After living with this manuscript for seven years, it feels almost like sending our youngest daughter off to graduate school three years ago. A mixed bag of emotions -- excitement, anticipation, and hopefulness -- and a little bit of anxiety today. Tierra Red has become every bit as much a child of mine as our real-life six children.
November 1st seems so far away right now . . .
I removed my comment because I wanted to add something and figured I would start over. I guess it leaves a glitch so I have learned something new. Anyhow, I wish you luck on your book. I also visited your art blog but since you have nothing posted I came back here to let you know I saw both of your blogs. I take it you have been too busy writing or reading books to write on your blogs! ; )
Thanks, freebird!
I appreciate your sentiments and your visit to my blogs. It was the oddest sensation today to send that novel off across the country.
And you are right -- I have been busy! In between final edits, I have been doing some beading but not enough to post on my other blog.
But, I hope to have something soon.
Like freebird I went to your artblog hoping to see your work but alas! Not to be - but I wanted to thank you for your nice comment on my blog - and can't wait to see what you're up to! Good luck with the book!
Having been with you since the beginning of Tierra Red and the beginning of its journey, you deserve success my darling friend.
Good luck with the book. That's a big leap of faith indeed, after 7 years of effort!
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